Woody Vines Porcelainberry/Bittersweet/English Ivy A. brevipedunculata/ C. orbiculatus / H. helix

                    Woody Vines
    Porc ...Vegetation Structure 
and Diversity    - Loss of plant species / ecosystems ...Tree Effects
- Bittersweet can overtop c ...- Following disturbance, a variety of in ...Herb and Vine Effects
- "Plots containin ...Bird Diversity and Abundance- Birds eat the fruit of porcelainberry  ...Historic LandscapeAll reviewed vines can smother and kill  ...Historic Structures - English ivy (H. helix) can damage mor ...
Woody Vines
Porcelainberry/Bittersweet/English Ivy
A. brevipedunculata/ C. orbiculatus
/ H. helix
Vegetation Structure
and Diversity
- Loss of plant species / ecosystems
- Changes in canopy structure
- Changes in understory structure
- Changes in understory openness
- Change in seedling recruitment